RC Series Screw Denester

Precision PMD RC Series Denester - Paper Cups Shown

Precision PMD RC Series Denester – Paper Cups Shown

Precision PMD RC Series Denester with Carousel for automatically feeding stacks of containers to the denester

Precision PMD RC Series Denester with Carousel for automatically feeding stacks of containers to the denester

Precision PMD’s RC Denesters are compact assemblies used to denest your container.  Round, square, rectangular, the shape doesn’t matter.  This denester is suited for containers with uniform stacking features.  Paper, plastic, foil, styrofoam and metal containers can accurately and positively be placed onto your existing conveyor.  Precision PMD’s RC Series Denester is not adjustable in the normal sense of the term.  Other Denester’s in the marketplace feature adjustability which gives the operator the opportunity to mis-adjust the denester.  Precsion PMD Dnester’s utilize calibration gauges which are designed and manufactured for each of your trays.  This unique design removes the opportunity for an operator to mis-adjust your Precision PMD RC Series Denester.  The denester can be mechanically driven from your existing line or can be servo driven.  Speeds range from 0-200 containers per minute per lane.

Precision PMD RC Denester - Salad Tubs Shown

Precision PMD RC Denester – Salad Tubs Shown

Precision PMD Dual Lane RC Series Denester for Plastic Trays

Precision PMD Dual Lane RC Series Denester – Plastic Trays Shown – Servo Driven

Precision PMD RC Series Denester with Automatic Tub Loader - This system denests three different containers utilizing a color coded change part design allowing operators to quickly and efficiently change over from one tub to the next. (no measuring required)

Precision PMD RC Series Denester with Automatic Tub Loader – This system denests three different containers utilizing a color coded change part design allowing operators to quickly and efficiently change over from one tub to the next. (no measuring required)

Precision PMD Denester Brochure – Click Image to open/download the pdf

As an option, Precision PMD Denesters can be equipped with automatic loading systems which supply’s multiple stacks of containers to the denester as needed.  Other available options include a multiple lane configurations, frame for mobility, full stainless steel construction.

Send in your containers today to receive a video of your container(s) being run on the

Precision PMD RC Series Denester.